3AW Mornings supporting the ‘Thank a Paramedic’ campaign

3AW Mornings is getting behind Ambulance Victoria’s new campaign to ‘Thank a Paramedic’.
NEIL: ‘If you’ve ever called an ambulance, you know that surge of relief you feel when they turn up even in the middle of a crisis.’
Ambulance Victoria Acting CEO Tony Walker told Neil Mitchell the feedback from grateful patients and their families kept paramedics going.
The day to say thanks will be next Tuesday.
‘We know the public appreciate what paramedics do and we thought what a great opportunity to have a day where the community can come together and back the great work our paramedics do day in day out,’ he said.
If you’ve ever had your life saved by a paramedic, or someone you love, share your story below.
The messages of support will be passed on to paramedics by Ambulance Victoria.
‘We can connect the information they provide to the paramedics,’ Mr Walker said.
‘Some of the letters we get from people are amazing.
‘To have that feedback from the community is just amazing it just lifts you so much.
‘It balances the days when despite your best efforts you can’t help someone.’