All in a day’s work: Remote wilderness paramedics camp out with patients

Paramedics from the new remote wilderness response team have camped out with two patients on a hiking track in a national park.
Victoria Ambulance was called to Wilsons Promontory about 4pm yesterday after a woman collapsed near the lighthouse.
The ambulance chopper was unable to land because of wild winds, so two paramedics made the trek out to treat the patient.
On their way, they came across another unwell woman and ended up camping overnight with the pair until they could be transported out in the morning.
‘The two paramedics agreed to walk in last night,’ said Paul James, Ambulance Victoria Group Manager. ‘They got in about 7pm last night and hiked in to the lighthouse and looked after the ladies until this morning.’
The paramedics were called out again this afternoon to hike 10 kilometres to reach a young man with an ankle injury near Sealers Cove.
Mr James said paramedics were increasingly responding to injuries in remote areas.
‘Certainly in Gippsland, we’re finding more and more people are recreating in remote areas,’ he said.
‘We have a problem that our paramedics don’t have the equipment, knowledge or training to go and help them.’
Hear what Paul James from Ambulance Victoria had to say