Apex victim wants to meet his attackers
A man who grew up on Apex Street in Dandenong has a unique perspective on how to deal with members of its notorious gang.
Roger (not his real name) suffered a home invasion in October, which had all the hallmarks of being perpetrated by the Apex gang.
But he told Neil Mitchell he’d now like to meet the attackers.
He said he’d like to talk to them about how he’s gotten to where he has from the same beginnings.
‘You’ve got a choice: you can come steal my stuff, or you can work hard to get your own,’ he said.
Click play to hear Roger’s idea
It follows reports that the suspected Apex gang struck again in Hallam earlier this month.
Thieves broke into a home early in the morning, stealing car keys and a wallet.
‘They decided to come back 45minutes later and they took my car,’ Michelle told Neil.
Neil says all of these gang related thefts and assaults are creating fear and wants the offenders dealt with.
‘If they’re not citizens, throw them out,’ he said.
Click PLAY below to hear Michelle’s chat with Neil about the events.