Cafe owner says he’s bombarded with abuse over his JobSeeker criticism on TV

The owner of a cafe in Dingley Village says he’s been bombarded with abuse after he expressed his frustration on The Today Show about the JobSeeker program.
Adrian Rigotto told Tom Elliott it was hampering his efforts to find staff.
He said he had received “50 plus” applications for work at his business where the applicant asked him to “tick off” the application but not consider them for the role.
Mr Rigotto told Tom Elliott he had always paid “over and above” the award rate but job-hunters simply didn’t want to work.
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“We don’t want your job, we’re doing this for Centrelink purposes only.” A Melbourne business owner who has offered a $5,000 incentive for people to work for him says the responses have been heartbreaking. “They don’t want a job, they don’t want to work.” #9Today
— The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) March 2, 2021