Carols by Candlelight with Philip, Simon and Fiona.
As a proud supporter of Carols by Candlelight each year, 3AW presents a six hour broadcast each Christmas eve live from the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.
Philip Brady, Simon Owens and Fiona Byrne bring you the highlights of Carols by Candlelight as well as interviews from behind the scenes with the stars of this wondrous Melbourne event.
Part 1. – Philip, Simon and Fiona with guests David Campbell and Sonia Kruger, Donna Demaio, Pete Smith, Tim Campbell, Lucy Durack, Dami Im, Bonnie Anderson, Casey Donovan
Part 2. – Philip, Simon and Fiona with guests Anthony Callea, Denis Walter, Beau and Todd Woodbridge, Marina Prior, Silvie Paladino, Jill Mansfield, John Foreman, Marty Fields.