CBD footpath obstruction complaints have more than doubled this year
Complaints about obstructions on footpaths in and around Melbourne have more than doubled this year, compared with 2017.
As reported in the Herald Sun, rubbish, construction vehicles and delivery scooters are increasingly clogging up footpaths, obstructing for pedestrians in Melbourne’s CBD.
Chief executive of Snap Send Solve, Danny Gorog, told Ross and John pedestrians have become increasingly frustrated at having to weave their way on foothpaths.
“It’s causing a lot of stress for pedestrians in Melbourne,” he said.
“We saw around 2000 reports last seen and we’re only half way through this year and already have more than 2000 reports.”
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Ross admitted he didn’t know what Snap Send Solve was – but Burnso said he already had the app on his phone!
“It’s an app that lets you report issues to your local council,” Danny said.
“Whether it’s a pavement problem, whether it’s graffiti, whether it’s a damaged Telstra pit, whether it’s a water or a sewage leak, use the app and we’ll work out which authority is responsible to deal with the problem.”
“I’m making a mental note – must get Snap Send Solve,” Ross said.
More information here.