Dandenong, Frankston and Reservoir top list of ‘no-go’ zones for paramedics

Dandenong, Frankston and Reservoir top the list of suburbs with the highest number of the almost 1200 so-called ‘no go zones’ for paramedics due to safety concerns.
There are 32 no go zones in Dandenong, 29 in Frankston and 27 at Reservoir.
The list – published in the Herald Sun – shows almost 1200 places deemed unsafe for paramedics to attend without being accompanied by police.
It comes as documents released to the paper under a Freedom of Information request shows there were 54 incidents where paramedics were assaulted in the space of just 42 days last year.
The union representing paramedics says many of the attackers are drug affected and a lot of it happens at callouts to domestic violence incidents.