LOCKDOWN RULES EASED: What’s changed in Melbourne and regional Victoria

Some of Victoria’s COVID-19 rules have been eased.
Premier Daniel Andrews unveiled a two-step of lockdown easing process, with the first step beginning at 11.59pm last night.
It comes after the state recorded just two new COVID-19 cases and no new deaths in the past 24 hours.
- Scroll down for a full list of COVID-19 rule changes.
The second phase of restriction easing is scheduled for November 1.
Mr Andrews said “there is a chance” the November 1 easing can be brought forward if cases continue to fall rapidly.
“I have announced today what is safe … but will not undermine the sacrifice, the hard work, the pain, the amazing efforts that Victorians have put in,” he said.
A council consultation process to allow Melburnians with properties in regional Victoria to travel to their properties to make them flood and fire safe will begin on Wednesday.
- TRAVEL LIMIT: The five kilometre travel limit will be extended to 25 kilometres. Melburnians may NOT cross into regional Victoria unless they have a permitted reason to do so
- OUTDOOR TIME LIMITS: The two hour limit on outdoor exercise and socialising will be removed
- OUTDOOR GATHERINGS: Up to 10 people from two households may gather in outdoor public places
- OUTDOOR SPORT: Outdoor sport facilities like tennis courts, skate parks and golf courses reopen, subject to distancing restrictions
- HAIRDRESSERS: May reopen with safety protocols in place
- REAL ESTATE: Outdoor auctions resume with a maximum of 10 people plus required staff. One-on-one private property, commercial and display home inspections permitted by appointment
- POOLS: Outdoor pools can host up to 30 swimmers, indoor pools can open for one-on-one hydrotherapy
- REPAIRS: Non-essential outdoor home repairs, renovations and house painting can happen with up to 5 workers
- CAR WASHING: Solo or automated car washing allowed.
- PET GROOMING: Mobile or home business pet grooming allowed
- PHOTOGRAPHY: Outdoor photography allowed
- ALLIED HEALTH: Full return to face-to-face care.
- LEAVING HOME: Four reasons to leave home removed
- HOME GATHERINGS: A maximum of two people, plus dependents, will be able to visit another home. A maximum of one group of guests is permitted in a home per day
- OUTDOOR GATHERINGS: Up to 10 people may gather in public outdoor spaces
- HOSPITALITY: May reopen with density quotas. A maximum of 20 diners permitted inside (10 per indoor space), 50 diners permitted outside
- RETAIL: May reopen (can prepare for opening from October 28)
- BEAUTY AND PERSONAL CARE: May reopen for clients who can wear a face covering for the duration of procedure/treatment (can prepare for opening from October 28)
- Contact sport may resume for under 18s
- Non-contact sport may resume for adults
- Outdoor fitness and dance classes resume with up to 10 people.
- Outdoor pools open for up to 50 people, or subject to density quota, whichever is smaller.
- PERSONAL TRAINING: Up to 10 people may participate in outdoor personal training. Trainer not included in cap
- RELIGIOUS GATHERINGS: A maximum of 20 people may gather for outdoor religious gatherings
- WEDDINGS: Guest limit increases to 10
- FUNERALS: Up to 20 mourners allowed
- OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT: Outdoor seated entertainment can host a maximum of 50 people or 25 per cent of fixed venue capacity. Outdoor non-seated entertainment spaces may reopen with density quotas and COVIDSafe plans
- HOME VISITS: Two people, plus dependents, allowed to visit another home. Home visits capped at one per day. No household bubble in place
- HOSPITALITY: May seat up to 70 patrons outside and 40 people inside
- RELIGIOUS GATHERINGS: Up to 20 people may gather outdoors
- INDOOR POOLS: Open for under 18s with a maximum of 20 swimmers, one-on-one hydrotherapy allowed.
- CARE FACILITIES: A household may visit someone in a care facility (previously only one person could do so)
- LIBRARIES: Book and toy libraries can open with 20 people indoors
- INDOOR SPORT: Non-contact indoor sport returns for under 18s. Spectators allowed with some limits
- RELIGIOUS GATHERINGS: Up to 50 people may gather outdoors