Discount supermarket chain Aldi is changing its logo for the first time in 20 years.

Discount supermarket chain Aldi is changing its logo for the first time in 20 years.
Lecturer in brand management at the University of Melbourne, Stephen Downes, told Tom Elliott the new logo will still have the same look and feel.
‘My suspicion is that a lot of consumers, if they haven’t actually heard publicity or media reports that the Aldi logo is changing, that they may not even notice’.
Downes said there are many reasons why a brand would change its logo.
‘Research they may have, whether there is a personal opinion from somebody in senior management that says ‘I think the logo is looking old and stale and needs a refresh’; sometimes just a new marketing director comes in and their personal taste suggests things are looking a little stale’.
The evolution of the Aldi logo.
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