Drivers booked on Western Ring Road won’t have their infringements withdrawn

Fines will stand for more than 1500 of drivers who were caught speeding on four days on the Western Ring Road.
A report by Road Safety Camera Commissioner John Voyage was detailed exclusively on Neil Mitchell’s program into the excessive number of drivers fined.
It found one permanent sign showing 100 km/hr caused confusion when motorists should have been travelling at 40km/hr.
The motorists who were booked were caught out by the change in speed zones initiated by VicRoads but won’t have their infringements withdrawn despite the confusion.
Mr Voyage recommended the fines be upheld.
Listener Patrick sent in this photo from the Ring Road today
VicRoads CEO John Merritt admitted that VicRoads had made an error, with a static 100km/hr sign between Edgars Road and Sydney Road.
“I’ve already admitted that and I’ll admit it to everyone. The people who are driving on this road are our customers and we’re there to get them information and I’m actually sorry we’ve caused some confusion and let them down,” he said.
“The role of the commissioner is to review our work, but ultimately he has to arrive a decision around fairness and the right way to go forward.”
He said the static road signs have been replaced.
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Neil Mitchell said the report found the cameras were in proper working order.
“It rang alarm bells with me, because I was getting calls from people in their 70s who have never had a speeding ticket,” Neil Mitchell said.
“The Commissioner has investigated, and we have lost.
“He has found problems with the speed signs but he has not recommended they be withdrawn.”
Mr Voyage told Neil Mitchell while he appreciated the variable speed signs were confusing in those incidents, he said it wasn’t up to the individual driver to determine the suitability of the speed limit.
“I’m here to look at the integrity of the cameras,” he said.
“The fact is the cameras were operating on each occasion without error.
“The variable speed sign is not advisory, people have to stick to them.”
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