Retired judge Lex Lasry on mandatory sentencing and the state of our courts

Retired Justice Lex Lasry says judges could quit if stronger mandatory sentencing laws are introduced by the parliament.
In a wide-ranging interview with Neil Mitchell, the high-respected legal figure opened up on several key issues facing Victoria’s courts.
- He conceded the community was particularly critical of the courts in 2018: “Probably some of it’s out of ignorance in that people don’t understand how the process works, and in a sense the court holds some responsibility for that.”
- He said mandatory sentencing, promised by the Coalition if they’re elected to state government this year, can’t work.
- Asked if mandatory sentencing could lead to resignations: “It might.”
- He’s got no time for talk of publicly-elected judges: “No. Never.”
- He said the mental health of judges and magistrates was an increasing issue: “Definitely … and especially magistrates, because the workload is enormous.”
Click PLAY to watch the full interview (Part 1)
Click PLAY to watch the full interview (Part 2)