The Victorian policy aged care providers fear is putting vulnerable residents at risk
A powerful consortium of aged care groups claims Victoria’s vaccine policy is putting vulnerable people at risk.
Six peak bodies, which represent more than 1000 aged care providers, are demanding an urgent review of Victoria’s decision to allow up to five unvaccinated visitors to attend an aged care home each day.
The Australian Aged Care Collaboration says the policy makes no sense, given you have to be vaccinated to get your hair cut, play tennis, and soon, to shop.
Aged and Community Services Chief Executive Paul Sadler says the level of community transmission is too high.
“Now is not the time to have unvaccinated people entering residential aged care,” he said.
New South Wales, the ACT and South Australia have all issued public health orders which only permit fully vaccinated visitors in aged care, with limited exemptions.
Immunity against COVID-19 is waning for most aged care residents, who were vaccinated more than six months ago.
The booster shot program for those who received their second vaccine dose more than six months ago began on Monday.