Five dead: Victoria’s road toll soars after a devastating weekend

It’s been a devastating weekend on Victorian roads with five people killed in four separate crashes.
The latest fatal crash happened at Carranballac, west of Ballarat, last night.
A man and a woman aged in their 20s were killed when their Audi sedan collided with a four-wheel-drive as they turned onto the Glenelg Highway about 5pm.
That followed the death of three people, including two teenagers, in three separate crashes on Saturday.
It take the state’s road toll to 113 this year, up from 67 at the same time last year.
“We’ve seen a significant increase in the number of lives lost on Victoria’s roads this year,” TAC boss Samantha Cockfield said.
“Unfortunately, most of these deaths have been human error, highlighting how important it is that people take extra care.”