Government says ‘No’, but here’s the argument for ditching rego for a congestion charge

A congestion charge to replace vehicle registration in Melbourne will not be considered by the Andrews Government.
Melbourne City Council has started pushing the idea of an opt-in system where registration fees would be replaced by a congestion charge whereby drivers pay by the kilometre with higher fees during peak hours.
Roads Minster Luke Donnellan has today told 3AW they have budgets based around registration fees and so a congestion charge won’t, and can’t, happen.
But one the key figures behind the push, chair of the council’s transport portfolio Nicolas Frances Gilley, said not even the plan’s supporters think “this is a good idea for next week”.
“We’ve got to think about where we’re going to be once we double the population by 2050,” he told Ross and John.
“With all great planning, these conversations need to start early.
“I don’t think we’re saying this is a good idea for next week, but we are saying we need to start thinking about it.”
Click PLAY for the full interview