Government to fund support for Victorian laryngectomy patients

The Victorian Government will allocate more than $1.5 million to fund recovery support for laryngectomy patients, following a campaign by the Neil Mitchell program to bring Victoria in line with other states.
Mike George came into the studio in February and asked for Neil’s help to bring some attention to a little-known issue, where laryngectomy patients are left without a voice, and no public funding to buy a device which would allow them to speak again.
Mike had his voice box removed, but luckily had enough money of his own to pay for the specialist equipment that would allow him a voice, about $5000 a year.
The device is funded for patients living in NSW, but in Victoria it wasn’t.
Today Neil spoke with the Health Minister Jill Hennessy.
“Fixed?” He asked.
“I’m delighted to let your listeners know that we will now from the first of July allocate about $1.7 million a year, which will mean about $5000 a year will be provided to those laryngectomy patients who need support to access that everyday equipment they need to assist with speaking and to prevent infections,” Ms Hennessy said.
“All power to Mike and 3AW for putting it on our radar.”
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“Neil, thank you, thank you, thank you,” Mike said.
“I can’t say thank you enough to your team and Jill Hennessy.”