Government yet to release shortlist for possible nuclear waste site
An anti-nuclear campaigner says it’s still unclear which site in rural towns across Australia could be home to a national nuclear waste dump.
The Federal Government set up an advisory panel earlier this year to investigate possible sites for a radioactive waste management site.
Dave Sweeney from the Australian Conservation Foundation, who is a member of the government’s advisory panel, told Tom Elliott a shortlist was yet to be released.
The Sydney Morning Herald reports the Abbott government is close to naming possible sites in Western Australia and South Australia.
‘What’s happened is the federal government of all colours has been trying to find a national centralised site for all that waste,’ he said on 3AW Drive.
Mr Sweeney said some of the proposed sites, including Kimba in South Australia, are close to highly populated areas.
‘We believe that Australia should be moving strongly and quickly away from all things nuclear,’ he said.
‘We also believe there is a legacy of nuclear waste in this country which we need to manage responsibly, properly, maturely.’
LISTEN: Anti-nuclear campaigner Dave Sweeney on 3AW Drive