Great works of literature for canines
Have you ever read Tolstoy’s classic book for dogs Paw and Peace? What about Das Kelpie or Mein Kennel, or Schnauzer’s List? These are just some of Ross and John’s nominations for a dog’s favourite books.
The boys took calls today and received some ripper nominations. Scroll down to listen to some of the nominations below…some of these classics changed the course of history.
- Sophie – Where the Wild Dogs are; Winnie the Poo
- Steven – Whimpering Heights; Hounds of the Baskervilles
- Cameron – 20,000 Beagles under the sea; The Man with the Golden Retreiver
- Sue – The Yap (The Slap)
- Shane – 50 Shades of Greyhound, the Grapes of Roff!
- Alfie – Winnie the Poodle; The Days of Weimerama and Roses
- Vince – Gone with the Weimerama; Harry Poodles and the Walkers Bone
- The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Pup
- A Tale of Two Shitzus
- Gavin – Corgis in the wind
- Jack – Mansfield Bark
- Anthony – How to Sniff Butts and Influence Bitches
- Nicole – The Howl of One
- Picture of Dorian Greyhound
- Bone with the Wind
- Brave New Westiepoo
- The Mastiff-morphosis by Frank Kafka
- Where Beagles Dare
- Catch 22 Tennis Balls
- The Quiet American Pitbull
- Pugnoise Complaint
- The French Lieutanant’s Weimerama
- The Frisbee Catcher in the Rye
Burnso’s somewhat muddled nominations for canine classics.