‘Head in the sand’: Tom Elliott’s strong reaction to Jacinta Allan’s bail law admission

Tom Elliott has reacted strongly to the news Premier Jacinta Allan has conceded Victoria’s bail laws are too soft.
The Premier has ordered Attorney-General Sonya Kilkenny and Police Minister Anthony Carbines to review the current bail laws.
And the 3AW Mornings host thinks it’s a “classic case of shutting the gate well after the horse has well and truly bolted”.
Press PLAY to hear his strong reaction to the news
“Community anger over this issue is palpable, it is enormous and rightly so!” he said.
“The Premier, the government, the whole legal system has forgotten that protection of the innocent is super important.”
Natalie Gordon, sister of the late Ash Gordon, who was killed after an alleged home invasion in January last year, told Tom Elliott it’s “terrible” the Premier has only now decided to try and crack down on the bail laws.
The Gordon family has been campaigning for bail reform since Ash’s death, with Natalie stating she “wouldn’t wish my position on anybody else”.
“I instantly thought, this is reactive behaviour due to the pressure being put on her from every aspect, and the fact that there is a by-election about to happen,” she said on 3AW Mornings about Jacinta Allan.
Press PLAY to hear her full emotional reaction to the Premier’s admission
“I simply give up having conversations with someone who continuously is just naïve and insensitive to our situation,” she said about former Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes.
Image (Allan): Asanka Ratnayake/Getty