How governments use fear during the coronavirus pandemic

Extraordinary documents from the UK have revealed the Government was advised by behavioural scientists that a substantial number of people did not feel threatened enough by COVID-19 to follow the rules.
It’s believed the suggestion was for the government to increase a sense of ‘personal threat’, to change behaviour.
Psychologists have analysed how the emotion of fear relates to the level to which they comply with coronavirus regulations.
Journalist, photographer, and author Laura Dodsworth has researched and compiled how fear was used in the UK government’s handling of the pandemic.
Luke Grant spoke to Laura about her new book, A State of Fear: how the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic.
She’s told Luke about the how the government relied on the fear of the public to ensure acceptance of lockdown rules.
A State of Fear can be ordered online.
Click play below to listen to the full interview.