Avalon Airport owners pitch novel quarantine idea

The owners of Avalon Airport, west of Melbourne, have pitched an idea to quarantine returned travellers on-site at the airport.
Linfox, which owns the airport, has put forward the idea.
It comes after a similar proposal for a 1000 bed quarantine facility at a Wagner Corporation airport on the outskirts of Toowoomba.
Chairman of the Linfox Airports Group, David Fox, says it’s important some international travel continues, so stranded Australians, workers and students can fly into the country.
He says Linfox wants to help Australia fight an “invisible target”.
“We could ideally fly aircraft into our facility down at Avalon … (and) set up a precinct,” he told Neil Mitchell.
Mr Fox says caravans or mobile units could be used to house travellers.
“It wouldn’t happen overnight,” he said.
“We believe that within an eight-week period … we could have a facility for possibly up to 200 or 300 people.”
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