#ListenNow week launches on 3AW Drive!

You may be familiar with #SayItNow week on 3AW each year.
It’s where people take a moment to tell somebody how much they care for them and appreciate them.
This year, however, has taken a different shape, given the coronavirus pandemic.
Mental health has become an even more prominent issue than it already is during lockdown.
“As I speak to you now, we have nine people in our care at Tobin Brothers who have suicided,” James MacLeod told Tom Elliott.
He said there was no doubt there’d been a spike in suicide since lockdown began.
So they’re doing something about it.
“We decided about a month ago we needed to get a message out there,” Mr MacLeod said.
“It’s one of those taboo subjects we just don’t talk about.”
Click PLAY below to hear James MacLeod on 3AW Drive
If you or someone you know is in need of crisis support, phone Lifeline on 13 11 14.