Longest ambulance waiting times in Victoria revealed in latest figures

The country-city divide has been highlighted by ambulance response times, with new figures showing some parts of the state wait more than 25 minutes for paramedics during an emergency.
Ambulance Victoria’s annual report has provided a breakdown of average response times in local government areas across the state.
It’s been revealed residents in Buloke Shire have the longest wait in an emergency, with an average response time of over 25 minutes.
In total, there are 15 council areas where the average wait is more than 20 minutes.
All of them are in country Victoria.
In contrast, Melbourne’s average wait is 10 minutes.
Across the state, just 74 per cent of code one cases were reached in the target 15 minutes.
Ambulance Victoria accepts it is not meeting response time targets but says the services clinical outcomes remain ‘excellent’.