Luba v Tony: Rail union’s anger over ‘pathetic’, ‘atrocious’ Metro sackings

- Metro’s response
The rail union won’t rule out strikes over the festive season after Metro workers were sacked for safety breaches.
Five men were stood down for the safety breaches on Monday, just four days before Christmas.
Union head Luba Grigorovitch claimed on 3AW Mornings the men were targeted, and described the sackings as ‘pathetic’ and ‘atrocious’.
In a fiery interview with Tony Jones, Ms Luba Grigorovitch:
Refused to rule out a strike: Nothing’s being ruled out. I’d like to think there won’t be disruptions, but the ball really is in Metro’s court.
Claimed the sacked men had clean records: They were not serious breaches. They are things that happen day in, day out.
Had an interesting definition of ‘tragic’: It’s very tragic when you’ve got a state government who haven’t picked up the phone and said ‘How can we help?’.
Click play to hear the interview that ended with the word ‘Unbelievable’.
In response, acting Metro boss Leah Waymark accused the union of playing down the seriousness of the safety breaches.
Click play to hear Ms Waymark with Tony Jones
TJ: Did you ever think sacking the staff so close to Christmas was a bad idea? Ms Maymark: ‘I don’t know if there’s ever a good time, Tony’
? 3AW Melbourne (@3AW693) December 21, 2015