McCartney signs 16-year-old student’s bass drum onstage

Music legend Paul McCartney has made a Scotch College student’s year – signing his bass drum onstage at McCartney’s final Melbourne concert last night.
McCartney had 16-year-old pipe band bass drummer, Will, come to centre stage after he heard the student wanted him to sign the drum.
Click PLAY below to see McCartney and the band
“These guys are great,” McCartney said, signalling to the entire band.
“Cheers, Will!”
The man in question, Will Mountney, told Neil Mitchell it was an incredible experience.
“It was very exciting but I was just really nervous.”
“Were you terrified?” Neil asked the year 10 student.
“You have no idea,” he said.
Click PLAY below to hear Neil’s chat with Will
Neil also spoke with Scotch College bagpipe teacher Mark Saul.
“I think Will is a bit star struck by it all,” he said.
“We were sort of hoping he might sign the bass drum but heard he doesn’t do it often because people end up selling it on Ebay.
“It’s going to go straight up on the wall and we’ll keep it there forever.”
Click PLAY below to hear the interview with Mark
McCartney added the Mull Of Kintyre to his Australian tour, beginning the song on acoustic guitar before being joined onstage by the Scotch College Pipe Band.