Naked man clings to back of speeding ute for 25 minutes in an attempt to stop car thieves

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A man has clung on to the back of his ute for 25 minutes, wearing only a towel, while a pair of thieves drove the stolen vehicle through Brisbane.
Brisbane tradie Bobby Cook was in the shower on Wednesday night when he heard thieves start his ute.
He rushed outside and jumped on to the back of the vehicle while the car thieves sped out of his driveway.
“I’m holding onto the roof racks on top while he’s erratically driving trying to shake us,” he told Neil Mitchell.
Mr Cook told the 3AW Mornings host the vehicle reached speeds between 100 and 140 kilometres an hour on the Bruce Highway.
“I just tucked myself in and held on,” he said.
“About 25 minutes we were on the back of the ute for.”
The car thieves threw a coffee cup at Mr Cook, in an attempt to knock him off the back of the ute.
“I tried to dodge it but it’s a big glass mug and it smashed on my head,” he told Neil Mitchell.
The cup split Mr Cook’s head and he was forced to remove his towel to stop the bleeding.
“I’ve taken the towel off and that’s when I’ve gone full butt naked.
“I’m holding the towel on my head, still trying to hold on to the back of the ute, heading through suburbia,” he said.
Mr Cook told 3AW Mornings he decided to get off the vehicle when the thieves met up with another vehicle filled with a group of their friends.
“That’s when I’ve looked at the situation, seven people to me, and I’ve decided it’s time to get off.”
The ute, a 2013 dual cab Toyota Hilux, is still missing.
The vehicle is registered in Queensland and its number plate is 864 WNS.
Press PLAY below to hear Bobby Cook explain his ordeal to Neil Mitchell.