NAUGHTY TALK – Interview with John Jarratt and Kaarin Fairfax in new film StalkHer
If there’s anybody left who has any doubt that John Jarratt likes to speak his mind, they’re going to love this interview.
With fellow veteran Kaarin Fairfax (Bed of Roses; Col’n Carpenter; The Harp in the South) Jarratt stars in and co-directs StalkHer, a no-holds-barred verbal stoush between a stalker and his intended victim.
With scant regard for political correctness, Fairfax and Jarratt – now world-famous as Wolf Creek’s smiling psycho Mick Taylor – here talk through their intentions with the film, the issues it raises and why the strictures of today’s culture of self-censorship had no place in the movie.
Of special note is their attitude to age. Jarratt is 63, Fairfax is 55 and any notion that they’re supposed to be ageing gracefully or quietly are blown away within the first few minutes of our chat.
The pair also reflect on the state of the local film industry, and when the topic of illegal downloading comes up, Jarratt lets fly without relent.
To see the interview, click here:
To view a trailer for the film, click here:
To check out John Jarratt’s anti-piracy ad, click here: