NBN CEO says the NBN rollout is ‘on budget and on schedule’
With the National Broadband Network only three years from its projected completion date, CEO Bill Morrow insists the project is ‘on budget and on schedule’.
Speaking to Ross Greenwood, he said ‘we complete this in 2020’.
‘We still need to work through some profitability issues’.
Although losses widened to $1.6bn this year, revenue has increased from $164m to $403m as more households connected.
NBN hopes to be earning about $5bn annually by the time the rollout is finished.
‘We’re going to earn a modest return for the taxpayer’ said Morrow.
The NBN head said billions are being spent upgrading the existing high speed network to provide speeds ‘far greater than what your limits are today’.
‘If you want 100 [GB] or you want 250 or you want a gigabit per second capability, we’ll have it there for you.’
With the current state of the network and the looming deadline, ‘people can’t wrap their heads around this’ said Ross Greenwood.
Read the full interview with NBN CEO Bill Morrow here: