Neil Mitchell says dinner a ‘very bad look’ for Matthew Guy

Matthew Guy has undermined his own political credibility by dining with an alleged mafia figure, says Neil Mitchell.
The state opposition leader has admitted to having dinner with Tony Madafferi and other Liberal party figures at the Lobster Cave in Beaumaris earlier this year.
Mr Guy has since referred himself to anti-corruption watchdog, IBAC.
The 3AW Mornings host said it was a “very bad look” for Mr Guy, who he spoke with off-air on Tuesday.
“As a political leader, you’ve got to be careful of what you do and what you are seen to do,” Neil Mitchell said.
“He should not have gone.
“His office should have expected and demanded a guest list.
“This doesn’t prove that Matthew Guy has done anything wrong, but he must be more careful about who he meets and eats with.
“This undermines him, particularly when he campaigns so hard on law and order.”
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