Neil Mitchell: What the Batman and South Australian elections mean (and don’t)

Don’t read too much into the performance of the major parties after the Batman and South Australia elections.
But the same can’t be said for the minor parties.
That’s Neil Mitchell’s short-form analysis after a busy weekend in which Labor took the federal seat of Batman and the Coalition formed state government in SA.
With state and federal elections fast approaching, many pundits have hypothesised about what the results mean for each party.
“I don’t think either have significant long-term implications on either elections,” Neil Mitchell said. “There were too many variables.”
“But there are a lot of implications for the Greens. They are in disarray.
“(Greens leader) Richard Di Natale is shaky, although there aren’t a lot of options.”
Neil Mitchell also said the weekend painted a bleak picture for Nick Xenophon and Cory Bernardi, and what that might mean for other minor parties.
Click PLAY to hear his full analysis