Let’s Talk Business – Sunday July 7
Income tax cuts, on top of another cut in the official cash rate, means consumers should have more money in their pockets, but what does it mean for business owners?
The Morrison government’s centrepiece tax cuts passed swiftly through the senate and millions of Aussies will have some extra cash in their pockets and Brian Walker, CEO of the Retail Doctor Group, shares advice on how business owners can encourage taxpayers to spend rather than save.
There’s a recurring theme on Workwise; side-hustles taking off and becoming a full-time operation. Ash Bent ran custom neon sign business Sketch and Etch on the side until his drone business crashed and burned – literally. Sketch and Etch now employs 15 people and has carved out a unique place in a growing market.
Peter Switzer from growyourbusiness.com.au shares a lesson from American business guru Jay Abrahams which will stop you from putting obstacles in the way of sales.