Top New York fashion designer paints the scene of a desperate city
Norma Kamali is an internationally renowned fashion icon who has dressed everyone from Farah Fawett and Lady Gaga, to The Kardashians and Beyonce. She joins Luke Grant on Australia Overnight to give a first hand account of the impact Covid-19 has had on the ‘City That Never Sleeps’
Kamali, who has lived in New York City her whole life, says that the people of the city are “very locked down, we are very isolated..trying to not be near somebody in New York is hard.”
However, despite the light at the end of the tunnel seeming very far away, Norma holds out hope for her city saying “I feel confident that everything that we can do is being done. The people that are involved are really extraordinary. We get updates all the time.”
Click “PLAY” below to hear the full interview.