Police investigate attempted abduction of child at Melbourne Aquarium

Police are investigating reports of an attempted abduction of a toddler at Melbourne Aquarium last week.
The alleged happened last Thursday at the penguin enclosure.
Police received a report the three-year-old had wandered and in a matter of seconds was seen holding the hand of an unknown man heading toward the exit.
The mother called out and the child ran back to her.
The man hasn’t been seen since.
Melbourne Aquarium isn’t commenting but its understood there isn’t any CCTV footage.
Police aren’t jumping to any conclusions – it’s not yet clear if any offence has occurred – but they’re urging witnesses to come forward.
A friend of the mother – who was also with her that day with her toddler and baby – has posted a warning for all parents on facebook to be vigilant.
The post has been shared more than 6000 times since Friday.