Police to determine if someone’s life is at risk under Opposition domestic violence plan

Victorians would be able to check if their partner has a history of domestic violence under a plan proposed by the state Opposition.
But even if a person has domestic violence convictions, their partner might not be notified, as it’s up to police to determine if those convictions mean someone’s life is in danger, in each individual case.
As reported in the Herald Sun, a trial of the system is currently underway in NSW, and Opposition leader Matthew Guy wants to see the same system in Victoria.
“It’s not a public register, it’s not public material people can go into a police station and make an application, that application is then sent off to a family violence unit,” Mr Guy told Ross and John.
ROSS: So if someone doesn’t get a call, it doesn’t mean that her intimate partner doesn’t have convictions for domestic violence, it just means that police don’t believe her life is at risk.
GUY: That’s correct, it’s up to police to determine whether someone’s life is in danger.
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