How idling cars outside schools are harming children
The school pick-up could be about to change in a bid to protect children from pollution.
A parliamentary inquiry into air pollution has been told parents picking up their kids from school or daycare should be banned from leaving their car engines running.
Experts say idling cars are causing unnecessary pollution, shrinking children’s lungs and leading to health conditions like asthma in kids.
Member of the Lung Health Research Centre at the University of Melbourne, Clare Walter, says banning idling outside schools won’t completely solve the problem, but it’s an “easy fix” that’ll have a noticeable impact.
“This is one easy step we can do to reduce children’s exposure to these emissions,” she told Ross and Russel.
“It’s completely unnecessary. You wouldn’t blow smoke in children’s faces. Why is it ok to leave the engine running?”
Press PLAY below to hear why experts want car idling banned outside schools