Royal engagement: How Harry popped the question to Meghan

Prince Harry popped the question to American actress Meghan Markle during a quiet, cosy night over a roast chicken.
The proposal came a few weeks ago.
Harry designed the ring, which included two diamonds that belonged to his mother, Diana.
In a joint interview, Markle said it was important that Harry’s mother was part of their relationship.
Click PLAY to watch the interview
A date and venue has not been announced, but the wedding is expected to happen in the British spring next year, most likely after Kate Middleton gives birth in April.
UK correspondent Gavin Gray told Ross and John the fact that Markle is a divorcee could be a factor in decided the venue.
He said the reaction was mostly positive in the UK for the widely popular Harry.
However, he also detailed some alarming commentary around Markle’s family background — her parents are Irish and African-American.
“I’ve just been listening in to an entire phone-in on a radio station about the fact that she is of mixed race, and does it matter,” Gavin told Ross and John.
“And did you know a lot of callers say it matters a lot.”
Ross Stevenson: “OK. And for how long has the Nazi party had a radio station?”
“This was a BBC program,” Gavin continued.
“It wasn’t encouraging people, it was just asking people what they think, but the number of people who were phoning in and trying hedge around this issue…
“People were ringing in saying would the African royal family accept a white person?
“Some of the calls were extraordinary.”
Click PLAY for full chat with Gavin Gray