RUMOUR CONFIRMED: Chadstone Bowls Club refuses to relocate for new indoor sports stadium complex

The Chadstone Bowls Club refuses to relocate to make room for a proposed new indoor sports stadium complex.
Stonnington Council who owns the site, wants to construct four indoor netball courts with car parking facilities currently occupied by the Chadstone Bowls Club.
Speaking on 3AW Drive, President of the Chadstone Recreation and Civic Club, Alan Jolly, said the club had over 600 paid up members and they won’t budge.
‘We’re not prepared to discuss an alternative site, we have a home…that’s not an option.’
The council is currently undertaking a feasibility study with a decision on the proposal expected later this year.
Stonnington Mayor, Cr Jami Klisaris, told Tom Elliott there is a serious need in the wider community for more women’s sport facilities.
‘Any decision that council make will be taking into consideration everything that the feasibility will cover.’
Click PLAY to hear Alan Jolly on 3AW Drive
Click PLAY to hear the Stonnington Mayor on 3AW Drive