RUMOUR CONFIRMED: Deer smashes into Alphington house and causes chaos
RUMOUR CONFIRMED: Ross and John have spoken with the victim of an Alphington home invasion with a difference.
Kathy Gould was sitting quietly at home last week when she heard an ‘almighty thud.’
She went to the front of her house to check things out.
She saw a deer halfway through her front window.
‘I was a bit hysterical,’ Kathy confessed on 3AW Breakfast.
The animal has then smashed its way through the window and run riot inside her home.
It’s believed the deer was likely threatened or startled by its own reflection in the window.
‘It’s obviously seen that, gone for that and then run through the house, smashed through my son’s room and put a hole in the mirror on his wardrobe,’ she said.
The animal eventually escaped through the front door.
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