Safe Schools Coalition defends program which allows male students to wear a dress

The Safe Schools Coalition has defended a program which will allow male high school students who identify as females to wear a dress.
Frankston High School has attracted headlines after a mother controversially pulled her son out of the school after learning of the new uniform rule.
But Roz Ward, co-founder of Safe Schools Coalition, hit back on 3AW Mornings.
She told Neil Mitchell it was all about providing a comfortable environment for transgender students.
‘All the research shows that there’s a very high level of transphobia that exists in Victorian schools,’ she explained on 3AW Mornings.
‘A lot of these young people aren’t getting the support they need and aren’t going to school at all.’
Ms Ward said research showed 2-4 per cent of Victorian students were either transgender, or questioning their identity.
Click PLAY below to hear Roz Ward explain the program on 3AW Mornings