Scott Morrison on whether Tony Abbott has become an ’embarrassment’

Scott Morrison says the federal government will consider funding the Western Distributor, but has again hit out at Victoria’s decision to blow $1.1 billion not building East-West Link.
The federal treasurer told Neil Mitchell he’d ‘look’ at the business case for the Western Distributor before deciding whether to help.
But he said Victorians had every reason to be sceptical after the East-West Link debacle.
‘It’s amazing. It’s spectacular, in terms of a decision by state government,’ the treasurer said of the waste on 3AW Mornings.
‘And they’re the ones saying yesterday they want to increase taxes to pay for state government expenditure?
‘What? So they can spend another $1.1 billion on roads they won’t build?’
WATCH below to see Scott Morrison talk about East-West Link.
Mr Morrison also dismissed suggestions Tony Abbott had become a distraction recently.
‘I think people are getting terribly over-excited about Tony,’ he said.
‘I think Tony has served the country incredibly well as Prime Minister and as a member of parliament and continues to do so.
‘I’m sure that will remain the case and good luck to him.
Neil Mitchell: ‘So he’s not a distraction?
‘He’s not distracting me,’ Mr Morrison said.
‘He’s not distracting the Prime Minister.’
WATCH below to see Scott Morrison talk about Tony.