Deeply concerning ‘inevitability’ if authorities don’t crack down on bikies in Victoria

A former police superintendent says if the bikie wars continue on the trajectory they’re currently on in Victoria, harm to members of the public is “inevitable”.
On Saturday, a woman and her young son were carjacked at gunpoint by two men involved in the brazen, broad daylight assassination attempt on a bikie associate in Melbourne’s north.
Sam Abdulrahim, having survived the shooting in Fawkner on Saturday, is now taunting his attackers from his hospital bed via social media.
Police on Saturday said they were not aware of the identity of Abdulrahim’s attackers.
Mr Abdulrahim was kicked out of the Mongols outlaw motorcycle gang earlier this year has no shortage of enemies.
Retired bikie-busting police superintendent Jim Keough says escalating bikie clashes are “serious situation”.
“If this keeps going a member of the public is going to be seriously injured, if not die, and we came close to that with the carjacking the other day,” he told Stephen Quartermain and Elise Elliott, filling in for Ross and Russel.
That’s very much a defining moment for a line in the sand step by the government.”
Press PLAY below to hear the deeply concerning point Mr Keough says bikie wars will reach if there’s no crackdown
Image: 9News