Social media goes crazy yet again for Melbourne’s sunset

Socialites across Melbourne are yet again stunned by the beauty of the sunset across Melbourne.
The competition was fierce on Monday night when social media users took to the skies.
The vast population had their mobile phones out, not for ‘Pokemon Go’, but to take a photos of our spectacular skyline.
Beautiful, Melbourne! #melbweather
? Brianna Travers (@briannatravers) July 18, 2016
Town Park, Croydon overlooking soccer training tonight. Stunning sunset.
? David Hodgett MP (@DavidHodgettMP) July 18, 2016
Painted skies over #melbourne
? City of Melbourne (@cityofmelbourne) July 18, 2016
Everyone in my street has their cameras out ? so beautiful @Melbourne #eltham
? Phoebe Pinnock (@phoebepinnock) July 18, 2016
More of that beautiful sunset tonight
? Metro Man (@The_Rail_Life) July 18, 2016
Doesn’t do it justice. #Melbourne ??
? Ashleigh Brown (@AshBrown_) July 18, 2016