Sophie Storen recipe: The humble Toastie

The Toastie Matrix
Slices of sourdough bread (this could also be rye, seeded or gluten free)
Sliced or pulled meat – this could be pork, prosciutto, brisket, corned beef or mortadella
For vegetarians – caramelised onions, wilted and drained spinach, sauteed zucchini flowers, smoked eggplant
A pickle – this could be zucchini, radish, cucumbers, beetroot
Some cheese – mozzarella, smoked mozzarella, fontina, gruyere, truffle pecorino
A sauce – mustard, Russian dressing, mayonnaise, aioli, pesto, pistou, chimmi churri
Other additions: Chilli, lemon zest, smoked salt, olive oil, truffle paste
Select the ingredients that most appeal to you or which you feel go together, heavy cheeses are perfect with pickles and salty meats and more subtle cheeses like buffalo mozzarella are great with some of the vegetables as you don’t lose them completely.
Use left overs and bread that’s a little stale if that’s all you have it certainly wont make the toastie any less delicious.
Prior to toasting butter liberally both sides of the bread.
If you don’t have a toastie machine please pan fry or BBQ then pop in a hot oven.