Starving for action
Heather Gladman has cultivated cannabis for 40 years and gave it away for free to cancer and arthritis sufferers, until she was discovered by police and charged for cultivating marijuana.
She has been on a hunger strike since February 28 in Treasury Gardens, asking the government to give cannabis growers an immediate amnesty so they can distribute the controversial plant for medicinal purposes.
‘They took away my medicine that I use to help people,’ she told Tom Elliott. ‘I’m not demanding anything, I’m just asking please can we have an amnesty on growers.’
Ms.Gladman said though she was originally prepared to die for the cause, she plans to return home in two days and have something to eat after her eighteen day strike.
‘In all honesty I’ve had two apples…I need to eat a little bit of something just to stop me from passing out.’
Click play to listen to Heather Gladman speak to Tom Elliott at Treasury Gardens