‘That is horrific’: New plea for information on Williamstown heist

Detectives will man an investigation caravan today in an attempt to gather new information about a terrifying armed robbery at a Williamstown bottle shop just before Christmas last year.
Two men stormed the Douglas Parade bottle shop on the evening of Saturday December 23, both armed with guns.
The men threatened the attendant but he was not injured.
Acting Sergeant Alistair Parsons told 3AW Breakfast the offenders are still on the run.
“That is horrific,” Ross said after viewing the CCTV.
“It’s pretty frightening isn’t it,” Sergeant Parsons replied.
“Well how agitated is the bloke with the gun?” Ross said.
“They’ve both got guns, one’s got a swan off shot gun, one’s got a revolver,” Sergeant Parsons said.
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