The ‘ludicrous’ reaction to this photo

Actress Jessica Biel has attracted some negativity online for a post on social media kissing her three year-son Silas on the lips.
Some social media users were quick to remark the photo, posted on husband Justin Timberlake’s Instagram, was “gross” and “strange” and compared it to a dog licking you on the face.
Psychologist Sarah McMahon said it looked to be a pure act of spontaneous love.
She encouraged creating boundaries and clarity for children around who they allowed to kiss them on the lips.
“I’m talking about setting up boundaries and helping them to create scaffolding to make decisions,” she told Tom Elliott on 3AW Drive.
But Tom said he couldn’t understand why anyone would have an issue with it.
“I think it’s a perfectly normal thing to do,” he said.
“Some of the reaction on social media has to be seen to be believed.
“The idea a mum can’t kiss her three-year-old son on the lips is ludicrous.”
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Photo: Justin Timberlake, Instagram