Tightening the belt: Savings measures for police in Melbourne’s north-west

Police in Melbourne’s north-west region are on notice with a number of ‘belt-tightening’ and savings initiatives.
Officers have been told to watch how much they get their marked cars washed, use double sided printing and empty waste bins only when full.
A leaked email from the region’s Assistant Commissioner Stephen Leane entitled ‘Still keeping the regional belt tightened that extra notch’ detailed the budget restrictions.
But Assistant Commissioner Leane told Neil Mitchell the directive was just about being careful, and wouldn’t affect operational activities.
‘We have to be fiscally responsible or watch our money, I think the community wants us to do that,’ he said.
‘Some of our people love to have a clean car, and will get it washed every two to three days.
‘Other people don’t care at all, so it’s just trying to say if they are absolutely filthy I want them to wash them but try and cycle them through and we can manage them better.’
Assistant Commissioner said he wanted his superintendents and senior sergeants to take control of the budget.
Listen: North West Region Assistant Commissioner Stephen Leane on 3AW Mornings