Trans-Tasman travel bubble: Australian government considers allowing travel to New Zealand
Australia’s borders will likely remain closed for many months to come, but the Morrison government is weighing up a proposal to resume travel with New Zealand.
Our nearest neighbour has a similarly low number of COVID-19 cases to Australia, prompting the government to consider the reopening of borders between the two countries before general international travel resumes.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison yesterday confirmed he has discussed the plan with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
“If there is any country in the world with whom we can reconnect with first, undoubtedly that’s New Zealand,” he said.
Australian Tourism Industry Council executive director Simon Westaway said it’s a “very attractive” idea.
“At some point our island has to start to connect up, it’s logical to look at New Zealand,” he told 3AW’s Ross and John.
Australians make up close to a third of international visitors to New Zealand.
While tourists from New Zealand don’t make up such a big part of Australia’s tourism industry, Mr Westaway said the proposal would still be beneficial for Australia.
“On a good year … one-in-five visitors coming to our country are Kiwis.”
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