Traveller information upgrade for Yarra Trams customer service staff

Yarra Trams customer service staff will be equipped with iPads as part of a $110,000 program to improve information for travellers.
A 6-month trial of the iPads has just been deemed successful and the technology will be rolled out to all customer service employees by the end of the year.
While staff already have a good knowledge of the tram network and can direct most people to major landmarks and attractions.
The iPads will help provide directions to lesser known destinations like bars or cafes.
It’s also loaded with apps that interact with the broader public transport network.
The program is being funded by Keolis Downer, the operator of Yarra Trams.
Zina Dahan has been part of the trial, you can watch an interview with her below.
WATCH Lauren Hilbert explain the new program below
Click PLAY below to hear Lauren’s chat with Neil Mitchell about the program