Unpaid road tolls clogging up our courts

Melbourne’s road tolls are clogging up courts and turning everyday Victorians into apparent criminals due to a clunky billing system.
Fairfax Media published on Friday that outstanding toll warrants for Victoria totalled almost $687 million for 2014/15, ballooned from unpaid Citylink and Eastlink tolls.
Denis Nelthorpe, CEO of West Justice spoke to Justin and Kate and said that unsuspecting motorists are often unaware that their Citylink accounts have run out or been suspended and are then prosecuted for each subsequent trip, plus administrative costs.
He said that if a motorist is faced with a difficult incident such as a death in the family, they will often continue about their business as usual as the original infringement is the furthest thing from their mind. The debt then builds on top of itself until it becomes unmanageable.
‘It’s a really dumb system,’ said Mr Nelthorpe. ‘We’re seeing all these people who have never done anything wrong in their lives and are suddenly brought before the courts owing twenty to fifty grand. I’ve never seen anything like it.’
‘This is a system completely out of control, completely misunderstood by the public.’
Listen in full as Denis Nelthorpe speaks with Justin and Kate