Victorian pool report reveals ‘unholy mess’ that ‘could cost lives’
A damning Auditor-General’s report has found a staggering number of Victorian pools and spas are not compliant with safety requirements.
As many as 30,000 pools across the state are unregistered. Of those registered, owners have only certified 56 per cent of pool and spa barriers that were required to be certified by June 1, 2022.
Neil Mitchell says it’s “an unholy mess” and it “could cost lives”.
Press PLAY below to hear what the damning report has found
Nine News reporter Heidi Murphy, who has followed the issue closely for years, says it’s “a pretty big safety issue”.
“The auditor-general says the councils don’t really have a proper process in place. They don’t actually have any idea quite how big the problem is. In fact, their systems don’t talk to each other, so the planning department doesn’t necessarily talk to the pool compliance department so they might not know,” she told Neil Mitchell.